Biophotonics and Computational Imaging Laboratory (BCIL)

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What is Biophotonics and Computational Imaging?

Biophotonics and computational imaging are two closely related fields that combine biology, optics, and computational techniques to advance our understanding of biological processes, medical diagnostics, and imaging technologies. Biophotonics focuses on the application of light-based techniques in biology and medicine, while computational imaging aims to enhance the capabilities of imaging systems through advanced computational methods. These fields often intersect, with computational techniques being applied to biophotonics data to extract meaningful information and improve our understanding of biological processes and medical diagnostics.

Our Laboratory

This research laboratory focuses on the development of label-free and labeled optical microscopy technologies. On one line of activities, digital holography principle is applied for microscopic samples to achieve quantitative phase imaging and optical diffraction tomography. These techniques provide quantifiable and biologically relevant imaging contrast (phase retardation or refractive index) without any fluorescent marker. The tomographic imaging approach serves optical super-resolution in-plane on top of the axial sectioning capability. Alternative schemes of simplified quantitative phase imaging systems are developed for specific applications. On the other line, fluorescence microcopy super-resolution imaging technologies are explored for multi modal microscopic imaging applications.